Regulation Wellness Program - Descriptor Code: EEE-R

Date Adopted:  September 2016

Last Revised: 5/19/2021


The Superintendent or designee will facilitate development of and updates to the Local Wellness Policy (LWP) and ensure each school’s compliance with federal guidelines regarding LWP requirements contained in Section 204 of Public Law 108-265, Child Nutrition, WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 and Section 204 of Public Law 111-296 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010.   


Nutrition Education and Promotion

The school district shall teach, model, encourage and support healthy eating and wellness habits by students.

  1. The primary goal of nutrition education is to teach the skills that will positively influence students eating behaviors.
  2. During the school day, the school district will promote healthy eating habits throughout the school environment as defined by Nutrition Standards for All Food Sold in School by the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 (e.g. cafeteria, a la carte, snack bars/schools stores, classroom snacks, ASP snacks, vending, non-exempt fundraising); and will encourage participation in the school meal programs.
  3. The school district will promote nutrition education consistent with federal and state laws, standards and regulations. Schools will provide nutrition education integrated into other subjects, as part of health education and/or offer stand-alone classes at each grade level. Students will receive nutrition education that is age appropriate, reflects student cultures and teaches the life-skills they need to adopt lifelong healthy eating habits
  4. The lunchroom menu will model well-balanced meals that incorporate farm to school efforts to promote Georgia grown and locally grown and produced foods.
  5. Consistent nutrition messages will be reinforced throughout the school, classroom, cafeteria, home, community and media.
  6. School-based marketing will be consistent with nutrition education and health promotion that allow marketing and advertising of only those foods and beverages that meet Smart Snacks in School Nutrition Standards.


Physical Education and Physical Activity Goals

The school district will provide a program of physical education consistent with federal and state laws, standards and regulations. 

  1. The primary goal of the physical activity component in each school is to provide opportunities for every student to develop the knowledge and competencies necessary to perform a variety of motor skills through physical activity, maintain physical fitness, regularly participate in physical activity, and understand the short- and long-term benefits of physical activity as it relates to healthy living.
  2. Students will be given opportunities for physical activity during the school day through daily recess periods and/or required and elective physical education (PE) classes. All teachers are encouraged to incorporate physical activity into their lesson plans throughout the school day and the extended school day. 
  3. Students will be encouraged to be involved in physical activity in the community, school sponsored events, and extracurricular activities including cooperative and competitive games. 
  4. Recreational facilities are safe, clean and accessible for all students. 
  5. The school district will ensure that physical activity opportunities be adapted in order to make them accessible to students with disabilities.


Nutrition Standards

  1. The School Nutrition Program will provide reimbursable school meals that comply with nutrition standards set forth under relevant federal, state and local regulations. Students will be provided choice of menus or items within required food selections in all schools and may refuse some food items offered.  
  2. Nutrition standards for all foods sold to students on school campuses during the school day shall comply with Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (see Form EEE-2).  
  3. The district and all schools shall support efforts to recommend that foods and beverages offered, but not sold, to students during the school day (e.g. for classroom parties or classroom snacks brought by caregivers) comply with Smart Snack Nutrition Standards. The School Nutrition Program will make available a list of healthy and non-food rewards and party ideas.  
  4. The school shall promote an overall school environment that encourages students to make healthy food choices.  
  5. The principal or designee shall follow State Board of Education guidelines when approving exempt fundraisers (see Form EEE-3).  
  6. The district requires all schools to ensure free, safe and unflavored drinking water is available to students during the school day and during the extended school day. Students can bring and carry approved water bottles filled with only water before, during and after the school day across the school campus.  Water cups are available in the cafeteria if a drinking fountain is not present.


Other School-Based Activities

Schools should consider local wellness goals when developing classroom strategies and planning all school-based activities, including after-school programs, field trips, dances, assemblies, classroom parties and other school events that provide consistent wellness messages conducive to healthy eating and a physically active lifestyle. 

  1. Promote and encourage alternatives to food as a reward or punishment.
  2. The school district does not encourage withholding of physical activity (including recess) as a punishment during the school day and during the extended school day. The district will provide resources to school staff on appropriate ways to discipline students.
  3. Provide a clean, inviting and safe meal environment. All drinking water sources will be maintained regularly to ensure adherence to health and safety standards.
  4. The school district and schools will coordinate and integrate wellness activities, so all efforts are complementary rather than duplicative and work towards the same set of goals and objectives. These initiatives will be accessible to all students and staff across the district and age-appropriate. 
  5. The school district encourages all school staff to model healthy eating and physical activity behaviors when possible, by not bringing in/or consuming personal food or beverages in front of students that would not meet the requirements of this LWP, and by participating in physical activities along with students.



  1. Each school within the district shall establish an ongoing School Wellness Committee (SWC) that supports LWP implementation as well as LWP monitoring and reporting to the District Wellness Committee (DWC). The SWC will incorporate input of stakeholders including the public, students, and health and physical education professionals. The annual goal of the SWC will support this Regulation and the school’s wellness plan for
  2. The SWC will assess the school’s physical activity, healthy eating, and overall school wellness initiatives to develop the school’s wellness plan. The DWC recommends that schools use the Healthy Schools Program Assessment or the School Health Index from CDC to complete an annual school-level health and wellness assessment and then create a plan to improve their health and safety practices.
  3. The DWC will work with school administrators and School Wellness Committees to provide assistance and resources to focus training and support for student wellness initiatives.
  4. To improve communication with the public and support the school wellness initiative, information on nutrition, physical activity and physical education shall be made available through student folders, newsletters, websites, school-sponsored activities, bulletin boards or other appropriate home-school communications by the SWC.
  5. Each school shall establish a designee(s) to serve as the Wellness Representative who will be responsible for measuring and monitoring implementation of this LWP annually by utilizing the standard instrument developed by the DWC.
  6. The principal or designee will maintain records including receipts, nutrition labels and product specifications for competitive foods.
  7. The principal will support the School Wellness Representative and the SWC to fulfill the school’s wellness plan. The district recommends the school leadership team in each school participate on the SWC to ensure alignment between school improvement plans and implementation of the LWP.
  8. The superintendent or designee will conduct an assessment of the wellness policy every 3 years at a minimum to ensure the LWP aligns with Model Wellness Policies; to determine compliance by schools with the LWP and progress made in attaining goals. Assessment will be made available to the public through appropriate media including posting on the district’s website.  The superintendent or designee will retain records to document compliance with the LWP for the school district.